
Showing posts from April, 2017

Next Step

The next step is, if you have a spouse or Significant Other (S/SO) with whom your finances are intertwined, let them take a look at the spending and income lists, and see if there isn't any spending or income you've missed, beause it is intermittent, or because it is theirs (but paid out of the communal kitty). Again, no judgement. For right now, ALL DECISIONS WERE GOOD ONES. Any changes that may be necessary will be done later, so hang in there! :-) Also, have your S/SO make their own perfect day list. And, while you are at it, each of you create a wishlist on Amazon (it's free, and I'll explain its purpose later on). Later!!

The First Step

The first step in waterproofing your finances is to observe them as they currently are. Using your cash receipts, and bank statements, make a list of your financial goals, your income (all streams), and outgo (cash, check, autopay, etc.). Be sure to put down *everything*. Even the $20 your grandmother gives you when she sees you, even though you always tell her you don't need it. No matter how small the income or outgo, write it down. No judgement. No shame. It is whatever it is. Decisions will be made later. The second thing to do, is write down what you would want your life to be, if money was not a consideration. Nothing is too wild or crazy; the only criteria is that *you* have to want it - this is *your* ideal life. See you later! <3